According to popular opinion, the most important thing in chess - it''s a contest of minds. Some of this chess love, others for the same reason condemned. First, of course, far more than the latter. Image of the most intellectual game of chess protects against criticism. Who wants to pass for a limited person, not appreciating the intellect? To speak badly about chess is considered bad form. Are, however, the "brave men" who are not afraid to say what they think: the king is naked!

Chess increasingly represent a stage for men with a tactical emphasis than of imagination. It helps only mistake of the enemy. This is - a game without mercy, without charm, without the jokes. Playing casino for officers. The victory gives the gradual accumulation of small advantages, leading a winning pawn or quality to win the party faithful. This game can be described as a solid, consistent, even instructive, even subtle, but beautiful it can not be named!

For true aesthetic effect in chess, as in fiction, it is necessary unexpectedly impressive moment. The real beauty is chessboard appears only in overcoming extreme difficulties by outwardly paradoxical acute and games. Chess - a game wit! Imagine a football referee would ban half of the half to beat on goal, but goalkeeper would have gone to the locker room drinking tea ... Dicko! So: in chess, if there is no attack on the king - it''s boring and not interesting. Players should not suffer in some no man''s position!

In chess it is high time to restore order. Today the result was above the game, all-speed tournaments, plop plop yes - I think a mockery of chess. Chess became idiocy with two keywords: victory and defeat - I do not accept. The game is to bring us joy, to escape from seriousness, do a little happy. In an effort to see not a good result naked attempt to divide the world into rulers and subordinates, between rich and poor, the victors and the vanquished. I hate this desire, I stand against him!

Summary: The most important threat to chess - it''s great stupor in the brains themselves players. The game world is boundless, but then there were the same people who sent in the trash all the other games, and have turned to their favorite bony nag-record holders for the riders. For the sake of the chess elite, it should finally turn to stone, and put his head under the "wheel" of supercomputers or, at worst, be only one of the sticker. From what I strongly disagree!

I shout bravely in the face of hundreds of chess clubs in all countries, large and small grandmasters and champions, professionals and simul prodigy of all ages: "famous chess variant is not unique!" Before, the author of chess was a devil, then the new now scheduled to come up with God. But I know that they came up with a commoner. And I have only a deeper understanding of his plan, and deploy it in the grand picture of dozen absolutely correct games that clergy do not recognize. But I''ll wait: I have in stock not just eternity, but, thank God, the Internet!

Chess Morphy

What "Chess Morphy" differ from classical?
When attacking the opponent's king moves allowed emergency!

The conditions under which the possible series:
The player must announce to check every move.
Each figure is the player may declare only one check.
King of the player should not be part of the verification of the enemy.

Simplified version: a series of checks is possible if the mat is completed.

Chess Greco

What "Chess Greco" differ from classical?
Blocked pawn of the right to receive non-standard moves!

The conditions under which the player is allowed to make a non-standard course of a pawn:
Pawn, blocked her figure (not pawn) can bypass it moved diagonally forward one square.
Pawn, blockaded the enemy pawn (no figure) can get him moved to the left or right horizontally on one or more fields (steps in this direction until recently, available to its field).
The rule of "take on the aisle" in this game ever does not apply.

Chess Alekhine

What "Chess Alekhine" differ from classical?
Doing a lot of moves required by pawns!

The conditions that must be observed by making moves pawns in the game:

Do not beat your opponents pawns pawn! In general, you can not!
If a pawn under attack hit an enemy figure, then it is necessary to beat it!
If the pawn can bypass blocking her opponents pawn by moving diagonally one square forward - he is obliged to perform this move!

Vsluchae if any mandatory pawn move is in contradiction with the basic rules of chess (ban substitute or leave his king in check), the execution of this mandatory course is postponed for as long as the conflict will no disappear.
If the board have a situation where the player has a choice between different moves required on foot - the first thing a player has to perform a move that combines and capture and bypass.
The ability to put a pawn check remains unchanged.


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