Chess without pawns
It is possible that this way of playing on a chessboard is an old format of chess. Indirectly, this is indicated: the presence of the army of each player of the four types of soldiers (in the ancient documents) that there is no pawns on the board (I think moved a pawn on the chessboard of the ancient Indian game of dice - where each of the four players, four chips - a total of 16 pawns) that the game is not the queen (of course). The last word I leave it to the archaeologists, if they find the original - will be great!
- Standard board. Each player has 6 figures and 2 Kings. The initial position of white on the front side: rooks a1, h1; riders b1, g1; bishops c1, f1 kings d1, e1 and the black was built in the same order in the eighth horizontal. FFEN: rnbkkbnr/8/8/8/8/8/8/RNBKKBNR
- Quiet moves:
All figures and Kings perform as well as in standard chess, note: each king can make a castling - long or short.
- Active moves:
Figures threaten King (declare them shahi)
Kings of the attack on such figures, which have no protection.
- The winner is the player who reached any of the three goals:
- Checkmate the opponent's king (as well as in chess).
- Announced Shahi, from which there is no security; rescue of two kings of the enemy can not (the game ends, destroy kings is not required).
- Acting King removed from the board the figure of an enemy that was not protected (the condition: none of the kings of the player should not depend upon the enemy figures).
or make a move, which both achieved several goals. If both opponents three times repeated their moves, then draw.
Sample Game
In this position, White made his move Rg6-g7+ and Black resigned. Why?
1. .... Kb7-c8
2.Bd8-c7+ Kd6-c6
3.Na4-b6+ Kc8-b7
1. .... Nb5-c7
2.Bd8-e7+ Kd6-c6
3.Ne2-d4+ Kc6-d7
1. .... Kb7-c8
2.Bd8-c7+ Kd6-c6
3.Ne2-d4+ Kc6-b7
1. .... Kb7-a6
2.Bd8-c7+ Kd6-c6
3.Ne2-d4+ Kc6-b7
1. .... Be6-d7
2.Bd8-e7+ Kd6-c7
3.Na4-c5+ Kb7-a7
4.Nc5-e6+ Kc7-b7
1. .... Kb7-a8
2.Na4-b6+ Ka8-b8
There is a simpler version of the game: "Chess without pawns with one king"
- Starting position: White - Ka1, Ra2, Rb1, Nb3, Nc2. Black - Kh8, Rg8, Rh7, Nf7, Ng6. FFEN: 6rk/5n1r/6n1/8/8/1N6/R1N5/KR6
- All the rules are identical with the "Chess without pawns", except for: the king did not castling, victory only methods 1 and 3.
Written by Vladislav Rapetsky
WWW page created: May 15, 2011.