Chess without pawns


It is possible that this way of playing on a chessboard is an old format of chess. Indirectly, this is indicated: the presence of the army of each player of the four types of soldiers (in the ancient documents) that there is no pawns on the board (I think moved a pawn on the chessboard of the ancient Indian game of dice - where each of the four players, four chips - a total of 16 pawns) that the game is not the queen (of course). The last word I leave it to the archaeologists, if they find the original - will be great!


  1. Checkmate the opponent's king (as well as in chess).
  2. Announced Shahi, from which there is no security; rescue of two kings of the enemy can not (the game ends, destroy kings is not required).
  3. Acting King removed from the board the figure of an enemy that was not protected (the condition: none of the kings of the player should not depend upon the enemy figures).
    or make a move, which both achieved several goals. If both opponents three times repeated their moves, then draw.

Sample Game

In this position, White made his move Rg6-g7+ and Black resigned. Why?

1. .... Kb7-c8
2.Bd8-c7+ Kd6-c6
3.Na4-b6+ Kc8-b7

1. .... Nb5-c7
2.Bd8-e7+ Kd6-c6
3.Ne2-d4+ Kc6-d7

1. .... Kb7-c8
2.Bd8-c7+ Kd6-c6
3.Ne2-d4+ Kc6-b7

1. .... Kb7-a6
2.Bd8-c7+ Kd6-c6
3.Ne2-d4+ Kc6-b7

1. .... Be6-d7
2.Bd8-e7+ Kd6-c7
3.Na4-c5+ Kb7-a7
4.Nc5-e6+ Kc7-b7

1. .... Kb7-a8
2.Na4-b6+ Ka8-b8


There is a simpler version of the game: "Chess without pawns with one king"

Written by Vladislav Rapetsky
WWW page created: May 15, 2011.

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